瑞安航空有波音737 Max飞机吗?阿拉斯加航空公司爆炸后的问答

2024-10-26 03:13来源:本站


  Alaska Airlines flight 337 from Fort Lauderdale, Fla. a Boeing 737-900, lands at Portland Internatio<em></em>nal Airport in Portland, Ore., Saturday, Jan. 6, 2024. The FAA has ordered the temporary grounding of Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft after part of the fuselage blew out during a flight. (AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer)


  这架波音737 Max 9喷气式飞机服役仅8周,就在1.6万英尺的高空发生机身脱落,导致飞行员返回起飞城市俄勒冈州波特兰市。


  此后,美国联邦航空管理局下令暂时停飞所有737 Max 9飞机。

  但这并不是737 Max的安全性第一次受到审查。

  2018年10月,一架737 Max飞机在印度尼西亚坠毁,造成189人死亡。五个月后,一架737 Max飞机在埃塞俄比亚坠毁,造成157人死亡。

  Reddit post on January 5, 2024 with two photos attached reads: AS 1282 KPDX to KONT Diverted for Rapid Decompression - So my little brother was on this plane and they just diverted back to KPDX. From the sound of it, they experienced a (rapid) decompression. In the photos he sent, the entire sidewall at one seat location blew out and word is one of the seats was ripped out. Explosive might be a better word. Luckily it wasn't occupied but sounds like quite the experience. I'll be curious to see what other information comes out. Glad everyone?s safe from the sound of it. I've got more photos and a video that I might upload, but there?s one below for now. Edit: Second photo shows it wasn?t the full seat. Still couldn?t imagine sitting next to a gaping hole in the aircraft.

  全球现役的波音737 Max有三个版本:Max 8、Max 8-200和Max 9。

  周六阿拉斯加航空事故中涉及的Max 9飞机,目前有11家航空公司使用。

  阿拉斯加航空公司(Alaska Airlines)停飞了其全部Max 9飞机,导致160个航班取消。

  美国联合航空公司、墨西哥航空公司、土耳其航空公司和巴拿马航空公司表示,他们目前正在对737 Max 9进行检查。

  迪拜航空公司和冰岛航空公司表示,他们没有受到停飞的影响,他们将继续运营波音737 Max 9机队。

  几家航空公司使用旧版本的737 Max。

  瑞安航空拥有139架Max 8-200飞机,在英国和欧洲城市之间的几条航线上飞行。途易集团拥有38架Max 8飞机。

  没有在英国注册的波音737 Max 9停飞,这意味着目前往返英国的航班没有受到美国联邦航空管理局停飞命令的影响。

  Ethiopian Federal policemen stand at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 plane crash, near the town of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia March 11, 2019. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY








  Image from the U.S. government's NTSB (Natio<em></em>nal Transportation Safety Board) investigation of the January 5 2024 accident involving Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 on a Boeing 737-9 MAX in Portland, Oregon, USA. Picture taken January 7 2024. Photo released January 8 2024. See SWNS story SWMRmax. The official US government investigation into Boeing 737-9 MAX jet horror has begun. *** Local Caption *** Investigation involving Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 on a Boeing 737-9 MAX in Portland, Oregon.





